CONNECTING with us is a breeze. It all starts with an idea!

We all come from different walks of life & cultures and LOVE people.
When it comes to creating your Event, a connection with those who work
for you is of the essence; it doesn’t matter if it’s the development of the menu
or the setup and décor of your venue, you need people that can jump
in YOUR world and see YOUR vision.

In our connecting phase it is our goal to be an INSPIRATION of
“What Is Possible” and really elevate your vision. Combined, we have over
40 years of hospitality experience. If you don’t know where to start planning your
event we will be right beside you and guide you through the process,
& give you valuable advice, always with a smile, joke and light hearted.
Let us inspire you to create an experience that you are truly delighted with.

The day has come!

It’s time to put the show on the road and DELIVER. Our team is Elegant in Presence, Professionally
Dressed, and has a High Standard of Ethics. Setup of the venue/buffet is done as early as possible, we do
not like last minute chaos. Our Motto is: Control what you can Control, NOW.
We are committed to all smiles from our staff to your guests!

Celebrate YOU DID IT, you created, connected, inspired & delivered a great event!


Contact us.